Monday, April 2, 2018

M5 Muticulturalism

Multiculturalism is the co-existence of diverse cultures and one's ability to gain a deeper understanding of differences and shared commonalities. It wasn't until a got to college that I truly appreciate multiculturalism in my life. I spent my youth growing up in the small Texas town of Granbury. Granbury has the reputation of being a retirement town, specifically a white retirement town. There were no protesters lining the streets in hopes to scare away people of different skin color or rash judgement being sent on anyone not of white decent. The reason as to why Granbury was predominately white was of no specific reason except those are the people who chose to move there. I went to a very small private school from kindergarten to senior year. During my time at Cornerstone there I only encountered four black students. There is only one in my grade and that I became good friends with. However, the topic of culture was never brought up in any conversation. It wasn't.t until college that racism became a reality for me. Growing up in a predominately white town, I never experienced racism second-hand. College provided me with seminars, meetings, and friends which equipped me with the knowledge and social impaction of racism. It was no longer a figment of my imagination. Because I was now exposed to friendships of different races I was enlightened with a new understanding of culture and racism. I distinctly remember my friend telling me that she always wished as a child to have a doll which "looked like her." She also didn't have a Disney princess which matched her skin color. That was heartbreaking to me. I was too simpleminded to realize that it was an impactful issue to some children growing up. In addition, even as a teenager diversity was not shown on television. Commercials, series, movies, you name it- white was the dominant race. I, also, was unaware of this really until someone pointed it out to me. My perception of how different races were viewed in society was altered for the better. I better understood why prejudice existed, because media. I better understood the reality of racism even racism being experienced at a young age. I better understood the passion people of color have when one of their own is slandered due to color. It is crazy now to me to see how blinded I was as a youth. I, personally, never experienced racism, therefore, I had a difficult time believing in its existence. I am thankful college is a place prone to diversity. It is a place where people are fortunate enough to learn about different cultures, religion, gender, etc. College is a place where diversity is welcomed, not shunned. It is the place which ignited my senses which furthered my knowledge and created a better understanding of people in general. No race is superior to another. No gender is superior to another. And no culture is superior to another. We are all one body, one flesh, and one soul. Society needs to recognize and apply this reality in order for racism to end. I am blessed to have made friends in college who have accepted me, loved me, prayed for me, helped me, and have gave me a more realistic way to view the world and others. Multiculturalism is a part of life and should not be overlooked. It is the basis of America and ultimately the world.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post Taryn. Racism is a huge issue today, but not any larger than it has ever been. I'm interested by your line that says that if we recognize and apply this reality, racism will end. That is a very Biblical view of the solution. I have given the solution much thought, but have not come up with anything biblical. But, it makes sense, the bible talks about church unity, in that we are all one body, the body of Christ. This body, just as any body, has many parts. If none of the parts work together, then the whole body stops working. I wonder if maybe at one point, we were a whole, complete body, and one or two of the parts stopped working, and thats how racism came about. Maybe not, but good post. Gave me something to think about. If the bible mentions that unity comes when everyone works together for it, then that is the way to go.
